Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Thoughts on Stephen King's "On Writing"

Stephen King's, "On Writing," is a book that, not only explains some good methods for writing, but also some details into our author's past. The book is divided into three parts: Stephen King's backstory, on writing, and a story of King getting injured in an incident and how writing helped him. Stephen King's backstory sets the groundwork for this book and he describes how he became a writer. On writing is the meat of the book where he talks about his writing strategies. The story of King getting injured wasn't necessary for this book but it was a nice touch. There were many things I learned from this book such as a formula that King mentions: Second draft = first draft - 10%, writing 1000 words a day, and dumping all of your ideas on the first draft. Another good lesson is the quote, "read a lot, write a lot." These are all habits I will try to develop once summer begins. Overall, I found this book really educational. Honestly, the only problem I have is just King's language.

Photo Story Assignment: The Process of Walmart Online Pickup

 So during my Fall term. It has been quite difficult to take pictures due to my schedule with work. So I decided to take pictures of my work...