Saturday, October 3, 2020

Humans of LBCC

My life during the coronavirus has not changed much. I remember when quarantine just started and we had to do a story about how we’re doing it the very start for our Feature Writing class. While everyone was talking about how different their lives have become, mine was literally called “Same Old, Same Old.” I think the only problem I have with the pandemic is that I can’t get any retro games from Gamestop right now since they are unavailable at the moment. I know I could get them from eBay but why go there when I am guaranteed a better quality product and for a lot less? Okay, got a little off track there.

Where was I? COVID? Ah, yes.

Now I could go on a rant as to why people exaggerate the illness but I don’t think that would fit this assignment so instead, I’ll discuss what else I’ve been doing during the summer.

I’ve been getting into the Sonic fandom recently and have been starting to write some fan-fiction which is quite fun (for some reason I love to go dark in my writing). I’m also a writer for a Sonic news site that has been around since 1998 called Sonic HQ. The skills I learned from Feature Writing became quite handy.

Near the end of the summer, I finally got a job as a personal shopper at Wal-Mart. I’ve been trying to get a job for quite a while so I’m glad I finally got one.

Wow, I already got more than 200 words just from that? Welp, guess I’ll stop here then.

Photo Story Assignment: The Process of Walmart Online Pickup

 So during my Fall term. It has been quite difficult to take pictures due to my schedule with work. So I decided to take pictures of my work...